Register Now! Spring Soccer Season

Registration for spring soccer is OPEN! If your child played this fall (2017), they are already signed up for the spring. If you know anyone who is interested, please spread the word and let them know, signup is now. The Deadline is Dec...

Rebels Annual Meeting Agenda

Please join us for our annual meeting. We will be talking about the successes and the opportunities for the coming seasons. Here is the agenda for the meeting:   MARS ANNUAL MEETING AGENDA MONDAY NOVEMBER 10,2014   7:00 UPPER LEVEL LIBRARY   Welcome and...

9-11-14 Monroe Area Rebel SC Update

CHEESE DAYS BRAT STAND Please remind families to sign up to help at the Cheese Days Brat Stand during Cheese Days next week: Adults or children can be order runners Adults can help by wrapping brats and hot dogs...
Fall 2015 Registration Open

Fall 2015 Registration Open

The registration for Fall 2015 and Spring 2016 seasons are open for registration. You will be registering your player for both seasons (except for the High School age girls, they are Fall only). ALL players need to register to play in the Fall. The Fall season is for...